유명한 작가들의 글쓰기 팁
Start writing, no matter what.
The water does not flow until
the faucet is turned on.
-Louis L’Amour
(Start Writing)
글쓰기을 시작하세요
Start telling the stories that only you
can tell, because there’ll always be
better writers than you and there’ll
always be smarter writers than you.
There will always be people who are
much better at doing this or doing that,
but you are the only you.
-Neil Gaiman
(Be Yourself)
당신 본 모습 그대로 하세요
Remember, when people tell you
something’s wrong or doesn’t work for
them, they are almost always right.
When they tell you exactly what they think
is wrong and how to fix it, they are
almost always wrong.
-Neil Gaiman
(Don’t Be Afraid of Failures)
실패하는것을 두려워 마세요.
There are three rules for writing a novel.
Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham
(No Secret Recipe for Good Writing)
좋은 글 쓰는 특별한 비법은 없습니다.
You can’t wait for inspiration.
You have to go after it with a club.
-Jack London
(Hard Luck with Inspiration. Go after it with a club,
hockey stick or whatever you have.)
좋은 영감이 생길때까지 기다려선 안됌. 방망이든
하키스틱이든 무엇이든 갖고 쫒아 찾아야됨.
Imagine that you are dying. If you had a
terminal disease would you finish this book? Why not?
The thing that annoys this ten-weeks-to-live self is
the thing that is wrong with the hook. So change it.
Stop arguing with yourself. Change it.
See? Easy. And no one had to die.
-Annie Enright
(Stop Criticizing Yourself)
자신을 비판하지 마세요.
Work on a computer that is disconnected
from the internet.
-Zadie Smith
(Avoid Distractions)
방해되는것을 피하세요.
Don’t take anyone’s writing advice
too seriously.
-Lev Grossman
(Don’t Take Anyone Too Seriously)
누구든 심각하게 받아들이지 마세요.
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