
미국 소방대원들이 가족들에게 가르치는 불났을때의 대처법


미국 소방대원들이 가족들에게 알려주는 긴급상황 대처법 10개:

(10 things firefighters tell their own families about how to prepare)

1. Have an emergency supply kit ready and in your car.
Make sure valuables are in a secure location, either in a safe or packed securely in your vehicle.

2. Keep your car’s gas tank full. Park facing out and keep car keys in an accessible location.

3. Have two ways out of your community in case one way is blocked by fire.

4. Decide on a pre-established meeting location and out of area contact person in case of separation.

5. Plan ahead, prepare pets for transport and think about moving them to a safe location early, especially large pets and livestock.

6. Stay tuned to local media, verified social media accounts and emergency notification systems.

7. Connect with your neighbors and share verified information.

8. If you do not feel safe, then don’t wait to evacuate!
Those with young children, elderly and people with disabilities in the home should plan ahead and evacuate early.

9. If a fire starts near you, follow all emergency personnel direction.
Leave as soon as evacuation is ordered by emergency officials or
if you feel unsafe to avoid being caught in fire, smoke or road congestion.

10. Stay calm and stay alert!








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